All episodes of Unforgiving60 are available for download on Podbean, Apple Podcasts and Spotify
The Unforgiving60 podcast is co-hosted by Ben Pronk and Tim Curtis; two pretty average ex-special operations guys with MBAs. The show is a latticework of advice and a practical toolkit on how to live a life less ordinary and maximise every single opportunity. The inspiration for this podcast can be traced to a couple of poignant ideas drawn from English poetry:
“If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run”
An inspiring poem in which Kipling challenged us all, "to fill the unforgiving minute” with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run” - to take advantage of every single moment, and squeeze time for all it's worth.
“We are the Pilgrims, master; we shall go
Always a little further..”
A poem with particular significance to the Special Air Service Regiments, these words are inscribed on the clock tower at the home of the British SAS Regiment in Hereford, urging us to go - always - a little further.